Page 5 - 20210706_NTSUD_report_2021_exsum_E
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Prerequisite for expediting land development Stakeholders’ interests
Provision of Infrastructure Recent development often meets strong opposition from the
affected tenants and occupants. To minimise their resistance
In anticipation of the development in the New Territories, the towards development plans, the Government should provide
Government should expedite planned transport infrastructure specific and targeted resettlement and compensation arrangement
projects and provide additional corridors to enhance the overall for each of the identified groups, i.e. brownfield operators, squatter
connectivity of the New Territories. In particular, the new strategic residents, and farmers. As the earlier land resumption and
transport network under the LTV is a vital prerequisite to unleash clearance are commenced and completed, the sooner the
the development potential of the New Territories, as it provides subsequent construction work can begin.
additional routes to bridge the North-west New Territories with the
urban area. This report also puts forward alignment proposals for Currently, development in the New Territories relies heavily on
new major roads and railways that worth further study. Government-led effort, as limited public-private partnership
channels are available. To adopt a proper mechanism and unlock
Infrastructures play an irreplaceable role in making a city function private-led development on lands without official plans, the
properly, and hence, an infrastructure-led development approach Government should put together a toolbox of multiple land
and timely investment are crucial to development realisation. assembly approaches. With reference to overseas experiences and
In assessing the benefits of new transport infrastructure, the past cases in Hong Kong, this report suggests several options for
Government should consider a wider range of economic benefits, the Government’s consideration.
such as increased economic activities, revenue from the land sale,
and higher development density of the railway catchment area. Policies and Administration
Similarly, we call on the Government to ensure timely provision, Considering the natural resources of the New Territories, the
expansion and upgrading of other supporting infrastructures Government should promulgate suitable policies and actively
including sewerage network.
balance the needs for conservation and development. We also
call for a comprehensive review of all the key statutory and
administrative process of new town development. These include
public consultations, environmental impact assessments, and town
planning procedures, et cetera.