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The Authors

                                            Yue Chim Richard Wong
                                            Philip Wong  Kennedy Wong Professor in  Political
                                            Economy, School of Economics and Finance, The
                                            University of Hong Kong

                                                   Professor Richard Wong is currently Professor of Economics and
                                            Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy at the University
                                            of Hong Kong. His research focuses on the political economy of property
                                            and housing, productivity and population, the deep contradictions in Hong
                                            Kong, and related public policies. He graduated from the University of
                                            Chicago with a PH.D. in Economics. He is currently an advisor of Our Hong
                                            Kong Foundation (OHKF) and a member of OHKF Research Council.

                                            Wai Him William Tsang
                                            Senior Researcher, Our Hong Kong Foundation

                                                   William Tsang is currently a Senior Researcher at Our Hong Kong
                                            Foundation (OHKF), specialising in the research of land and housing policy
                                            of Hong Kong. He was invited as speakers at various forums organised by
                                            major academic institutions, commercial organisations and think tanks. He
                                            has also appeared on numerous media interviews and programmes cover-
                                            ing land supply and housing policy of Hong Kong, and is also an active com-
                                            mentator of the subject in the printed media.

                                                   Prior to that, he worked at the HKSAR Government as an Econo-
                                            mist. He is one of the founding members and research analysts of HKGold-
                                            en50, an independent and non-profit policy research organisation. He gradu-
                                            ated with an MPhil degree in Economics at The Chinese University of Hong
                                            Kong, where he obtained his Bachelor's degree in the same subject.

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