Page 17 - OHKF_Mental_Health_Report_Print-booklet_Eng_Full_20221129 (1)
P. 17

Policy direction 5

               Hong Kong should refine the policymaking process through
               conducting regular monitoring, evaluation, and review efforts
               to update its mental health policies and plans

               5.1  The Government should ensure that key performance indicators (KPIs) for the
                   mental health system are in place and initiate regularised data collection to
                   facilitate monitoring and evaluation of progress. To achieve this, the Government
                   can consider setting up a functional mental health unit for coordination purposes
                   in aligning policy goals, financing, and implementation. This Unit should
                   conduct research and determine a set of KPIs that can be used to measure
                   the mental health system and direct efforts for future policy- and plan-making.
                   Subsequently, the Unit should collect data to support assessment of KPIs in a
                   regular and systematic manner.

               5.2  The Government and relevant authorities should conduct data analyses and
                   synthesis to assess progress towards mental health goals. This includes
                   focuses on: (i) reviewing and updating at-risk groups and relevant interventions
                   in consideration of changes in the society triggered by notable events, such as
                   the COVID-19 pandemic; (ii) pushing for a systematic and regularised evaluation
                   process for programmes that assesses their effectiveness and proposes ways
                   forward; (iii) examining the economic cost of mental health care and assessing
                   the cost-effectiveness of new and existing strategies.

               5.3  The Government should consider reviewing Hong Kong’s mental health
                   policy and publish a comprehensive implementation plan that includes solid
                   implementation timeframes and resource planning.

               Please scan the QR code below to access the full research report:

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