Page 37 - 20190415_LandAdvocacy_EN
P. 37

Nevertheless, even for the successfully completed rezoning cases in 2018, the average time needed for the rezoning process alone
               counting from the identification of the potential site to obtaining the approval from the Chief Executive in Council, and excluding any
               actual housing development, was around 4-5 years.

                 While the actual statutory rezoning process is relatively swift, taking 11 months to complete (with an extension
                 of six months subject to the CE’s discretion), the bulk of the time lag lies in the substantial preparatory works
                 undertaken  beforehand,  which  took  on  average  41  months  to  complete  (for  cases  that  were  completed
                 successfully in 2018).

               The  preparatory  work  for  rezoning  of  a  subject  site  is  usually  led  by  PlanD  together  with  other  departments  such  as  the  Civil
               Engineering and Development Department or Housing Department where necessary. They conduct studies on various technical
               aspects including environment and ecology, traffic, infrastructure capacity, air ventilation, noise, visual impact, etc. The departments
               may consult key stakeholders including respective District Councils, concern groups, local residents etc. to understand their concerns.
               Based on the information collected, PlanD will prepare a development proposal for the subject site (i.e. a new draft plan, amendment
               to an approved plan or amendment to a draft plan). The Town Planning Board (TPB) will then gazette the draft plan or amendments
               for public inspection to kick off the statutory OZP amendment process. Finally, the draft plan together with any representations,
               comments and further representations as well as the amendments proposed by the TPB will be submitted to the Chief Executive in
               Council for approval.

                 As there are still 69 sites pending for an initiation of their statutory rezoning processes, the preparatory time
                 required is bound to increase further.

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