Page 25 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 25
Survey on the 24 gaps
To determine the extent to which the 24 gaps improved, we
conducted a survey to gather data on the development of
Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem with previously engaged Introduction
stakeholders. For each question—each representing one of the
24 gaps—respondents were given six response options:
(1) Significant deterioration
(2) Some deterioration
(3) No change
(4) Some improvement
(5) Significant improvement
(6) Don’t know or have no opinion
Following the completion of the survey, we assigned a numeral
value amount for each gap’s degree of improvement, which
is illustrated in Figure 5. The numerical value was calculated by
assigning a numerical value to each of the response options,
ranging from -2 for “significant deterioration” to +2 for
“significant improvement”. Throughout the report, we will
continue to refer to the 24 gaps and their corresponding scores
from our survey when discussing how to further improve the
overall gerontech ecosystem. Full survey results can be found
in Annex I.
In total, we received a total of 40 responses from stakeholders with whom we conducted in-depth interviews. The stakeholders come from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, including
professionals working in start-ups, R&D centres, universities, foreign product distributors, healthcare services sector, elderly services sector, rehabilitation services sector, and
philanthropic foundations.