Page 46 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 46

Recommendation 1.3A: Build                            Guangdong that allows elderly on the Central Waiting List (CWL)
                                                                         to live in residential care homes operated by two Hong Kong
                   on existing initiatives to pioneer
                                                                         NGOs in Guangdong (SWD Residential Care Services Scheme in
                   gerontech-specific collaboration                      Guangdong, 2021) (Figure 12). 19
                   within the GBA
                                                                         Yet, many Hong Kong people remain hesitant to relocate to
                                                                         the GBA. According to an OHKF-conducted survey, 62% of
               Across the board, there is a consensus that Hong Kong-based
                                                                         respondents cite access to Hong Kong or Hong Kong-like
               gerontech suppliers desire, but struggle with knowing how
                                                                         healthcare and welfare services as the major obstacle for moving
               to expand into the emerging GBA market. On the one hand,
                                                                         to the GBA (OHKF, 2021). Therefore, to support Hong Kong
               the GBA presents a huge market opportunity, contributing about
                                                                         people who want to move to the GBA, we need to increase the
               USD 1.7 trillion to China’s GDP in 2020, constituting 12% of
                                                                         amount of cross-border provision of Hong Kong-like healthcare
               China’s GDP; the GBA is also home to 86 million citizens, of
                                                                         and welfare services in the GBA.
               which 10 million are aged ≥ 65 (Constitutional and Mainland
               Affairs Bureau, 2021; HKTDC, 2020).  On the other hand, there
                                                                         An innovative initiative in this area is the “Hong Kong Medicine
               are many challenges resulting from cultural, operational, and
                                                                         Link” (港藥通), which enables designated healthcare institutions
               technical differences between the GBA and Hong Kong. For
                                                                         in the GBA, such as the University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen
               example, there are different regulatory and product requirements.
                                                                         Hospital, to use drugs listed and medical devices utilised in
               Elders and PwDs may also have different purchasing patterns
                                                                         Hong Kong for urgent clinical purposes (Figure 12) (National
               and product preferences.
                                                                         Medical Products Administration, 2020). One of the gaps that our
                                                                         survey indicated has worsened is “exhausting medical device
               But the GBA is not only important to Hong Kong for economic
                                                                         registration process” (Gap 11; score -0.23). This problem is
               purposes; the GBA also contains social value as a place
                                                                         further exacerbated because Hong Kong and mainland China
               where Hong Kong elderly can relocate and retire. To this
                                                                         have different medical device registration processes.
               extent, SWD has launched a Residential Care Services Scheme in
                 Percentage calculated based on China’s national GDP, which is 14.7 trillion (World Bank, 2021).
               19  The two existing residential homes are Hong Kong Jockey Club Helping Hand Zhaoqing Home for the Elderly and Hong Kong Jockey Club Shenzhen Society for Rehabilitation Yee
                 Hong Heights (SWD Residential Care Services Scheme in Guangdong, 2021). The Government has also indicated that they will explore extending this scheme to cover other
                 eligible RCHEs in Mainland cities of the GBA (LegCo Policy Address, 2021, October 6).
               20  To better understand how Hongkongers perceive and evaluate opportunities in the GBA, OHKF commissioned the Public Governance Programme at Lingnan University to conduct
                 a telephone survey. 1,012 Hong Kong permanent residents (aged ≥ 18) were interviewed by a randomised telephone survey in late April 2021. In addition, OHKF commissioned an
                 external organisation to conduct 12 focus groups in May 2021, comprising of a total of 82 participants aged 18 to 40 (OHKF, 2021).
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