Page 42 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 42

Recommendation 1.2A: Create                           Ambassadors is to raise awareness about gerontech as an
                                                                         elderly peer “Key Opinion Leader (KOL)”. However, referencing
                   an Elderly, PwD & Caregiver
                                                                         CABHI’s Senior Advisory Panel, we would recommend the GT
                   Advisory Panel                                        Platform to further expand the functions of the Gerontech
                                                                         Ambassador program to include a more structured Elderly,
               One of the most heard challenges from stakeholders is the   PwD & Caregiver Advisory Panel that can readily provide
               difficulty that start-ups have in directly accessing end-users,   feedback to start-ups. Such a panel would also have the effect
               which is unsurprising as the elderly and disabled are not population   of helping elderly, PwD, and caregivers become more familiar
               groups that are particularly accessible. This contrasts with the   with various technology products (Gap 20).
               efforts of large corporations, which can hold focus groups with
               end-users due to their larger scale. As such, more should be
               done to provide start-ups with more direct access to end-users.
                                                                             Recommendation 1.2B: Provide
               In Canada, the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation     gerontech training courses to
               (CABHI) is a leading solution accelerator focused on driving   start-ups
               innovation in the ageing and brain health sector (CABHI About
               Us, 2021).  One of their key initiatives is the Senior Advisory
                                                                         Another issue we have heard from stakeholders is the difficulty
               Panel, which is a group of 18 elderly and caregivers who
                                                                         for start-ups to understand the operational context and
               provide end-user input to CABHI projects at all stages of
                                                                         requirements of the elderly and rehabilitation services
               development. The Senior Advisory Panel provides start-ups with
                                                                         sector. Again, this is unsurprising as there are complex
               feedback through focus groups, input on how to make products
                                                                         regulations governing these sectors, as well as many different
               user-friendly and accessible, and insight on how early-stage
                                                                         and complex types of professional medical and social services
               ideas could have real-world impact (CABHI Senior Advisory
                                                                         that interact with one another. For example, residential elderly
               Panel, 2021).
                                                                         and rehabilitation care homes are regulated by specific
                                                                         regulations (Cap. 459 and Cap. 613), which contain product-
               The closest efforts within Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem
                                                                         specific safety information such as the need for products to
               resembling such a panel are the Gerontech Ambassadors
                                                                         be fireproof. Start-ups therefore understandably struggle with
               programs hosted by various organisations, including HKCSS
                                                                         trying to determine who performs what function within each
               and the GT Platform, the PolyU Jockey Club Smart Ageing
                                                                         different type of elderly or rehabilitation service unit, as well as
               Hub, and Lingnan University’s Jockey Club Gerontechnology
                                                                         understanding what kind of product requirements and restrictions
               and Smart Ageing Project. The main function of Gerontech
                                                                         the different service units have.
               16  Established in 2015, CABHI had funded around 350 projects and engaged close to 80,000 elders and caregivers as of March 2021 (CABHI Annual Report, 2021).
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