Page 38 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 38

Recommendation 1.1B: Create                           opportunity to provide testing support for product enhancement—
                                                                         especially for products in the prototype stage. An example of
                   opportunities that concurrently
                                                                         such support is exhibited in advanced rehabilitative assistive
                   provide product evaluation and                        technologies service centres.
                   enhancement capabilities
                                                                         As depicted in Figure 10, the National Rehabilitation Centre
                                                                         (NRC) in South Korea runs a unique Rehabilitation Robot
               In our Gerontech Landscape Report 1.0, we identified “lack of
                                                                         Gym.  This gym not only offers innovative robotic treatment
               testing ground for new products” (Gap 13) as one of the
                                                                         options to rehabilitation hospital patients; it also offers the
               five key gaps facing Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem.
                                                                         simultaneous possibility for clinicians to conduct clinical trials
               Following the publication of our report, HKCSS and SIE Fund
                                                                         on the rehabilitation robots’ treatment effectiveness and for
               organised follow-up stakeholder engagement workshops with
                                                                         engineers to receive user feedback for product enhancement on
               over 140 participants to brainstorm possible solutions (SIE
                                                                         various rehabilitation robots. The clinicians and engineers are
               Fund, 2021). One of the key areas that stakeholders agreed
                                                                         provided with government funding to conduct clinical trials and
               on is the need for testing support, which is reflected in the GT
                                                                         design product enhancements at the Rehabilitation Robot Gym,
               Platform’s prioritisation of creating testing protocols for various
                                                                         namely through the NRC’s Translational Research Program
               priority products within both residential and community settings
                                                                         for Rehabilitation Robots and Business Support Program for
               (SIE Fund, 2017; 2018).
                                                                         Rehabilitation Robots (United Nations Economic and Social
                                                                         Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), 2021).
               The current focus of testing support provided by the GT Platform
               is to test the product effectiveness of mature gerontech products
               that are already available on the market. This makes sense as
               there is a need within the current ecosystem, particularly from
               the Government’s perspective given their heavy investment
               into gerontech, to better understand the actual added social
               and economic value of gerontech products within the context of
               elderly and rehabilitation service delivery. Yet, there is a further

               14  The NRC is a government-affiliated agency, consisting of a rehabilitation hospital and a rehabilitation research institute, that is run by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in South
                 Korea (UNESCAP, 2021).

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