Page 5 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 5

How has Hong Kong’s gerontech                             However, there are three gaps that have worsened, including
                                                                         insufficient retirement protection, academics’ lack of incentives
               ecosystem developed in the past
                                                                         to pursue gerontech research, and complicated medical device
               few years?                                                registration processes.

               In 2017, Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) partnered with   Put together, our survey findings suggest that there remain many   Executive Summary
               the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to publish   areas within Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem that need more
               Hong Kong’s first ever gerontechnology report, titled     support or attention. As such, the remaining chapters of the report
               Gerontechnology Landscape Report (OHKF, 2017, June). The   considers how key levers can address and overcome these gaps,
               report identified 24 gaps representing areas of insufficiency and   which we hope can enhance Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem
               opportunities facing the ecosystem.                       in the coming years.

               When we first published that report, many stakeholders were   Figure I illustrates the key levers identified, as well as the overall
               still exploring gerontech. But in the past years, since the   storyline and structure of this report. In 2017, Hong Kong’s
               report’s publication, Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem     gerontech ecosystem was very fragmented, represented by
               has organically blossomed through the launching of many   the funnel with several cracks. Due to all the improvements in
               gerontech-related initiatives by both public and private   initiatives as well as an increase in the number of supply-side
               parties. Given the notable difference in circumstances from then   and demand-side players, we now have a solidified funnel under
               to now, it is therefore high time to reconsider and re-formulate   “Present” in the figure. While these are positive signs, we believe
               our holistic analysis of Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem.  that more can be done to further grow the gerontech ecosystem.
                                                                         As such, we have proposed strategic key levers under “Future”
               The first section of our report looks at the extent to which the 24   in the figure, which we believe can facilitate the expansion of the
               gaps have improved. To do this, we conducted a survey to gather   city’s local gerontech ecosystem and enable a smoother flow of
               data on the development of Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem   gerontech products and services from supply-side to demand-side.
               with relevant stakeholders. The survey revealed that, on the
               whole, Hong Kong’s gerontech ecosystem has improved
               in the past years. Some of the most improved gaps include
               awareness, government risk aversion, and applied research
               funding, while many other gaps also saw some improvement.

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