Page 9 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
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2. Increasing demand-side’s financial                     One significant issue is that 100% privately funded elderly and
                                                                         rehabilitation service units do not have access to the $1 billion
                   accessibility to gerontech products
                                                                         I&T Fund. As more than half of the residential care homes for
                   and services                                          the elderly are 100% privately funded, many elderly living in
                                                                         residential institutions do not benefit from the $1 billion I&T Fund.
               Within the gerontech ecosystem, the “demand-side” refers to   We therefore recommend the Government to renew the             Executive Summary
               ends-users, including the elderly, PwD, and caregivers in either   $1 billion I&T Fund after its completion in the 2023/24 fiscal
               institutional or home settings. In recent years, we have seen a   year and extend the renewed funding scheme to cover all
               growth in the demand-side, with more end-users accessing and   care homes. Specific measures should be in place to ensure
               using gerontech as an organic response to the increase in supply.   that the service quality of 100% privately funded organisations is
                                                                         comparable to that of subsidised elderly care homes.
               Due to increasing levels of tech penetration and higher educational
               attainment among the young old (aged 45–64), we anticipate   Another key issue is that the $1 billion I&T Fund’s trial use
               significant market potential for gerontech. However, at present,   scheme has received little reception. For instance, applicant’s
               many existing demand-side users and organisations do not have   lack of technical know-how has deterred them from making
               enough purchasing power to acquire gerontech on their own.   rightful applications. To improve this, we recommend that the
               The Government must therefore play a key role in generating   Social Welfare Department empower applicants by providing
               momentum to sustain the gerontech market’s growth in the coming   more information for the trial use scheme, such as a detailed
               years. In particular, they must consider how to support both   handbook to help applicants identify and select appropriate
               end-users living in institutional and community settings.   gerontech products for trial.

               2.1 Elderly living in care homes                          2.2 Elderly living in the community

               One of the most important financial drivers to Hong Kong’s   One of the largest challenges currently facing Hong Kong’s
               gerontech ecosystem is the Government’s $1 billion I&T    gerontech ecosystem is helping end-users in the community to
               Fund, which subsidises Government-subvented elderly and   access and use gerontech. Currently, the Government’s primary
               rehabilitation service units to purchase and rent gerontech   gerontech-related spending—the aforementioned $1 billion I&T
               products. The $1 billion I&T Fund encompasses two schemes: i)   Fund—mainly benefits institutions. However, less than 8.1% of
               procurement/rental of innovative technology products; and ii) trial   Hong Kong’s elderly live in residential settings, whereas most elderly
               use of newly developed products.                          (91.9%) live in domestic households within the community (C&SD,
                                                                         2018). As such, the majority of end-users who live in the community
                                                                         lack the Government’s support to procure gerontech.

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