Page 12 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
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5. Training up the next generation 5.2 Entrepreneurial support and training
of innovative gerontech industry To promote research-driven gerontech innovation in
professionals universities, flexible policies for researchers to translate
their output into real-life impact is needed. The terms and
conditions offered by universities in Hong Kong for researchers
Many of Hong Kong’s efforts in education and training of seeking commercialisation remain very unattractive. First, we
gerontech-specific skills are either scattered or not formally recommend that Hong Kong universities provide flexible
recognised. If Hong Kong hopes to develop the gerontech policies on patent ownership and buyout. Second, we
industry to its fullest potential, it needs to align and nurture talent recommend that universities identify suitable licensing
who are passionate and have the necessary skill sets to drive terms and revenue-distribution ratios. Third, we recommend
and meet the various needs of the industry. universities to consider accepting a small share of equity
as compensation for paying for the licensing fees of
5.1 Vocational training for gerontech- spin-off companies.
specific skills
In 2014, the Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities
The procurement of gerontech is not only limited to an individual
(TSSSU) was launched to encourage students and faculty
product—it also refers to a lengthy process, one that generally
members to establish technology start-ups or commercialise
requires the involvement of different professionals at different
their research and development outcomes by forming spin-
stages. To streamline this, we recommend training up
offs (Innovation and Technology Fund, 2021). To encourage
gerontech consultants as the primary contact person to
collaboration with welfare services, we recommend TSSSU
assist elderly and PwD to purchase or rent gerontech. To
to enhance the existing funding mechanism, as well as
provide formal training and recognition in the care sector, we
establish a second phase of funding. We also suggest that
recommend the Social Welfare Department to introduce
the prerequisite for accessing Phase II TSSSU funding
a new vocational qualifications pathway under the
to include industry collaboration with welfare service
Qualifications Framework to certify and register gerontech
providers, such as elderly or rehabilitation service units. To
consultants in Hong Kong.
improve commercial prospects, TSSSU can recommend start-ups
to create industry partnerships with service units that register to
become gerontech testbeds under the GT Platform.