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From Gerontech Report 1.0 to 2.0

                                                                    Gerontechnology and its importance       1

                                                                    In 2017, Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF) partnered with
                                                                    the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to publish
                                                                    Hong Kong’s first ever gerontechnology report (hereinafter
                                                                    referred to as “Gerontech Landscape Report 1.0”), titled
                                                                    Gerontechnology Landscape Report (OHKF, 2017, June). The
                                                                    report was commissioned by the Government’s Social Innovation
                                                                    and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) with the
                                                                    purpose of exploring Hong Kong’s existing gerontech ecosystem
                                                                    and landscape at the time.
                                                                    In recent years, gerontech has become increasingly important to
                                                                    Hong Kong. In addition to our growing ageing population, we
                                                                    also have the longest average life expectancy in the world—
                                                                    82.9 years for males and 88.0 years for females as of 2020
                                                                    (Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), 2021, September
                                                                    10). As such, there is an urgent need to think about how to
                                                                    transform Hong Kong into an age-enabling city that emphasises
                                                                    a culture of healthy ageing.  According to the World Health
                                                                    Organization (WHO), an age-enabling city includes nine
                                                                    elements, including “Technology and Innovation”—which is where
                                                                    gerontech fits in (Figure 1) (WHO, 2015).

                                                                    Gerontechnology is an interdisciplinary field that brings together gerontology, the
                                                                    scientific study of ageing, and technology, the development and distribution of technology
                                                                    (Fozard, Rietsema, Bouma, Graafsmans, 2000). The objective is to prevent, delay, or
                                                                    compensate for cognitive and physical decline that occurs during ageing and curate
                                                                    technological environments for older adults spanning across health, housing, mobility,
                                                                    communication, leisure, and work domains (García-Alonso & César Fonseca, 2019).
                                                                    2  According to the World Health Organization (2021), healthy ageing refers to “the
                                                                    process of developing and maintaining the functional ability that enables well-being in
                                                                    older age”.
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