Page 55 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
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stakeholders have indicated that more overseas companies are   (Figure 15). This means that a significant number of elderly living
               now willing to set up agencies to distribute their products to Hong   in residential institutions have limited access to gerontech, since
               Kong consumers. All NGOs and private organisation that receive   their homes are not eligible for the $1 billion I&T Fund. At a critical
               subsidies from the SWD or provide subsidised RCS or community   period when the gerontech market is still developing, such funding
               care and support services for the elderly are eligible to apply to the   restrictions further limits the size of an already small demand-side.   Demand-side
               $1 billion I&T Fund.  However, more than half of residential care   Therefore, specific enhancement measures should be put in place
               services for the elderly are 100% privately funded and do not   to maximise the coverage of funding support.
               benefit from the $1 billion I&T Fund (SWD, 2021, October 4)

                 Figure 15. Percentage of eligible residential care services for the elderly

                            Percentage of residential care services for the elderly eligible for $1 billion I&T Fund

                                                                    Eligible      Not eligible

                                          Government subvented NGOs                      100% privately
                                            & private organisations  [1]              funded organisations


                                                                             54%                  Note: [1] Percentage of eligible RCS for the
                                                                                                        elderly = Number of subsidised RCS +
                                                                                                        RSPs under the Pilot Scheme on RCSV
                                                                                                        for the elderly (n=357) / Toal number of
                                                                                                        residential care homes for the elderly
                                                                                                  Sources: SWD, 2021, June 30; 2021, July 9;
                                                                                                        2021, August 31; SWD Elderly
                                                                                                        Information Website, 2021

                 Eligible private organisations only include organisations participating in the Enhanced Bought Place Scheme, self-financing nursing homes participating in the Nursing Home Place
                Purchase Scheme, and RSPs under the Pilot Scheme on RCSV for the elderly (SWD I&T Fund Manual, 2021).
   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60