Page 62 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 62

To provide the elderly with appropriate financial support, we   gerontech products; it cannot be used for any other purpose.
               believe that the Government should extend the scope of the   This is to differentiate the voucher extension’s purpose from
               EHCVS and the CCSV to allow for the purchase or rental of   the vouchers’ existing scope of purchasing medical or welfare
               gerontech products.  The extension should come with an    services. Elderly eligible for the CCSV should be entitled to a
               additional budget that has clear restrictions and guidance   higher added value than general elderly who are eligible for
               on its usage, which will be described below. Such an extension   the EHCVS, due to their more severe health needs.  As the
               is justifiable because the preventive and rehabilitative nature of   CCSV has an existing co-payment mechanism in place, we
               gerontech products closely aligns with the EHCVS’s objective to   suggest that the Government consider extending the
               promote preventive care and the CCSV’s objective to promote   means-tested co-payment arrangement for the CCSV’s
               ageing-in-place. The extension is made more advantageous by   gerontech extension as well (SWD, 2021, April 1). 46
               the fact that gerontech meets the vouchers’ objectives without
               relying on scarce professional manpower within the medical and   Second, the voucher extension should be clear on what
               welfare services.                                         gerontech products are covered for whom.  Based on the $1
                                                                         billion I&T Fund Reference list, a pre-approved list of gerontech
               Particularly given the prevalence of abuse associated with the   products should be made available. Similar to the $1 billion I&T
               EHCVS, it is important to be cautious when thinking about how   Fund’s Reference list (Appendix II), this pre-approved product
               to implement the voucher schemes’ gerontech extension.    reference list for the voucher schemes’ gerontech extension
               During a focus group that we conducted with elders, they also   should have clearly defined categories and price ranges for
               shared that price transparency remains a major concern with the   specific types of gerontech products. The voucher extension
               EHCVS. There must be clear boundaries regarding the scope   list can be initially based on the products covered by the $1
               of the voucher schemes’ gerontech extension, which can    billion I&T Fund’s Reference list; however, because applicants of
               be done through the clear differentiation of various gerontech   the $1 billion I&T Fund are institutions, the Reference list price
               products by purpose and by price. The set price range will help   range is relatively high and the size of products are quite large.
               prevent end-users from being exploited.                   The voucher extension’s product reference list should include
                                                                         more lower-priced products that are suitable for end-users’
               First, it must be made clear that this voucher extension can   individual daily use at home, such as smart medication boxes,
               only be used  exclusively for the purchase or rental of   fall prevention devices, etc.

               43  In the longer term, given that PwD living at home also have a significant need for gerontech, we suggest that the Government further consider giving PwD access to something
                equivalent to the above-mentioned voucher extension for gerontech, even though PwD do not have access to either the EHCVS or the CCSV.
                 The Consumer Council has documented several instances during which elderly using the EHCVS were tricked into paying higher costs than necessary or purchasing unnecessary
                products (Consumer Council, 2018, June). A survey conducted by the Society for Community Organisation (SoCO) found that 59% of respondents felt they had been unreasonably
                charged when paying with the EHCVS (SoCO, 2018).
               45  Similarly, if the voucher extension is also offered to PwD, then all privileges offered to elderly with CCSV extension should be also offered to PwD assessed to be severely disabled.
               46  The CCSV has an existing practice of co-payment which have six co-payment categories: 5%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 25%, and 40%. The co-payment amount is adjusted for household
                monthly income. The 5% category covers elderly receiving CSSA (SWD, 2021, April 1).
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