Page 22 - Land2.5_EN_Final_C
P. 22

We Need More than 1.26 Million Units

               in the Next 30 Years…

                          Households          Net increase        Inadequately      Miscellaneous
                          displaced by   +    in number of   +      housed      +       factors*
                         redevelopment #       households          households^         110,100
                            615,600             431,100             106,600

                                                       Total demand
                                                       1,263,000 Units

                       Notes:  (#) Net increase in number of households, Inadequately housed households, and Miscellaneous factors are quoted
                                         directly from the estimation in the “Hong Kong 2030+” consultation document. Number of households displaced
                                         by redevelopment is estimated by OHKF.
                                  (^) Include households living in units made up of temporary structures, non-residential buildings, sharing the same
                                         units with other tenants, and sub-divided units.
                                  (*) Include mobile residents, non-local students, foreign buyers, etc.
                       Sources: Development Bureau, Census & Statistics Department, Our Hong Kong Foundation.

               1.  In order to accommodate the households displaced by redevelopment, net increase in the
                   number of households, households currently living in sub-divided units, and other demand
                   including those from non-local students and foreign buyers, we estimate that Hong Kong needs
                   more than 1.26 million units in the next 30 years.

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