Page 21 - Land2.5_EN_Final_C
P. 21

Massive Redevelopment is Needed

                                                                 Assumed         No. of units to be
                          Building age      No. of units
                                                              demolition rate      redeveloped
                              >70            403,600               85%               343,100

                             61-70           540,400               45%               244,100

                             51-60           568,300                5%                28,400
                             Total                                                   615,600

                       Sources: Planning Department, Our Hong Kong Foundation.

               1.  Assuming that the demolition rates to be 85%, 45%, and 5% respectively in the >70, 61-70 and
                   51-60 age group, there will be more than 600,000 units that need to be redeveloped in the next
                   three decades, of which nearly 220,000 are public housing units and 400,000 are private
                   housing units. In the process of redevelopment, not only do we need su cient land / units to
                   accommodate the a ected tenants, but also the bu er capacity for the accommodation of
                   construction machinery and materials, and to support the corresponding government,
                   institutional or community facilities needs. Decades of large-scale reconstruction will generate
                   significant demand for land.

               2.  In the government’s estimation, only about 300,000 units are expected to be redeveloped in the
                   next three decades. We believe this represents a sharp underestimation of future reconstruction
                   needs. According to the redevelopment plans announced by the Housing Authority and the Hong
                   Kong Housing Society, the government predicts that only 22,000 public housing units require
                   redevelopment. This is likely to be a large underestimation taking into consideration that nearly
                   670,000 public housing units will be over 50 years old in 2046.

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