Page 18 - Land2.5_EN_Final_C
P. 18

Supply Target: Marginally Meeting Target for Private;

               Marked Catch-up Needed for Public

                                          Completion     2 Years        5 Years         5 Years
                          Type of Housing
                                            (Units)    2017 - 2018     2017 - 2021    2017 - 2026
                                            Target ^     40,000         100,000        200,000
                                Public Rental
                         Public   Housing  Expected      31,800         76,900            ?
                        Housing             Target ^     16,000         40,000          80,000
                                ship Scheme  Expected     7,600         22,700            ?

                           Total supply of  Target ^     56,000         140,000        280,000
                           Public Housing  Expected      39,400         99,600         236,000

                                            Target ^     36,000          90,000        180,000
                          Private Housing
                                           Expected      37,300          80,800*          ?
                                            Target ^     92,000         230,000        460,000
                            All Housing
                                           Expected      76,700         180,400           ?

                       Notes:   (^) Assume that the total housing target stipulated in the Long Term Housing Strategy is evenly distributed over
                                         the 10-year period.
                                  (?) Question marks denote unavailable information.
                                  (*) Figures are OHKF projections for the next 4 years (2017-2020).
                       Sources: Transport and Housing Bureau, Rating and Valuation Department, Our Hong Kong Foundation.

               1.  Although the supply of short-term private housing has increased, it has only marginally met the
                   target, let alone catching up with past shortfall.

               2.  The supply of public housing still trails significantly. In particular, in the five years leading to 2021,
                   it is expected that only 100,000 PRH and HOS units will be completed. This falls 30% short of the
                   government’s target of providing 140,000 public housing units in the said period as stipulated in
                   the LTHS. Worse still, according to the latest figures from the Transport and Housing Bureau, only
                   236,000 public housing units can be constructed in the next 10 years, which is 44,000 units less
                   than the target, even if all sites identified can be delivered on time for housing developments.
                   Therefore, the medium-term housing supply is anything but optimistic.

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