Page 75 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
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Overview                                                                                                                    4

               Accompanying the expansion of Hong Kong’s gerontech       However, despite both public and private financiers’ interests in
               ecosystem in recent years is a growth in the number of    funding gerontech projects, there are few gerontech public-
               financiers who have invested into local gerontech services   private partnerships (PPP). Our first report identified the lack  of   Investment
               and projects. On the one hand, as indicated in Introduction,   collaboration between private sector and NGOs as a gap (Gap 23),
               the Government has allocated significant public resources into   which our survey indicates has only received slight improvement
               gerontech. On the other hand, while private sector venture   (score 0.26). This gap leads to issues concerning the market
               capitalists and angel investors remain hesitant to invest heavily   sustainability of gerontech-related services. The lack of PPP within
               into the local gerontech industry, many philanthropic foundations   the gerontech ecosystem is therefore a missed opportunity to
               have expressed interest in funding gerontech-related projects.   consider innovative gerontech service delivery models.

               For example, the Keswick Foundation and Lee Hysan Foundation   Currently, many government programmes related to gerontech
               jointly funded a stair climbing service, which allowed wheelchair-  remain product-oriented (in contrast to service-oriented), whether
               bound elderly living in homes without elevators to hire a stair   it is R&D funding for developing new products, such as ITB’s
               climbing device that enabled safe descent and ascent of their   Fund for Better Living, or demand-side subsidies for procuring
               building’s staircase (HKCSS, 2020, February). Several foundations   or trialling products, such as the $1 billion I&T Fund. However,
               also funded an operation that enabled elderly service units to rent   many new devices employing advanced technologies, such as
               and use an automatic tablet machine, which facilitated staff to   Internet of Things or Artificial Intelligence, require completely
               distribute medication to elderly more quickly and accurately (Hong   new service delivery models. The Government may be reluctant
               Kong Pharmaceutical Care Foundation, 2021). The HSBC 150th   to fund such innovative service delivery models, as they require
               Anniversary Charity Programme further funded a smart home for   time to develop and trial and carry inherent uncertainties about
               elderly pilot programme (Senior Citizen Home Safety Association,   their potential effectiveness. Given the private sector’s higher
               2019). More recently, the Jockey Club Charities Trust and China   risk appetite, it makes sense to consider PPP models where the
               Merchant Foundation are co-funding the Gerontech Education   private sector carries the risk for the Government. This is exactly
               & Rental Service, which allows people to learn about and rent   what the Pay-for-Success model proposes.
               gerontech equipment, inclusive of cleaning and disinfection service
               (Jockey Club age at home, 2021).

   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80