Page 79 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
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Overview 5.1 Vocational training for gerontech- 5
specific skills
One of the most critical yet overlooked components of gerontech’s
Usually, when we talk about gerontech, it is in terms of individual
ecosystem is its skilled workforce, whether it be professionals
products and how they can help a person. But the actual usage
who perform welfare or medical services, product developers,
of gerontech is not only limited to an individual product—it also
or start-up entrepreneurs. However, many of Hong Kong’s efforts
refers to a process, one that generally requires the involvement
in education and training of gerontech-specific skills are either
of different professionals at different stages. Figure 21 illustrates Education & Talent Development
scattered or not formally recognised. If Hong Kong wants to
this, with an occupational therapist required at the assessment
develop the gerontech industry to its fullest potential, it needs
stage, a supplier or technician at the installation stage, end-users
to align and nurture talent who are passionate and have the
at the usage stage, and a technician at the maintenance stage.
necessary skill sets to drive and meet the various needs of
Navigating this lengthy process can become problematic for an
the industry. To achieve this, we need to provide formal
end-user interested in purchasing or renting a product without any
training and recognition in the care sector, support
assistance. Also, most service providers that acquire gerontech
entrepreneurship and training, and introduce exposure
products need to train their existing staff to use the purchased or
and awareness of gerontech throughout our educational
rented technology. However, no official vocational training on
curriculum. Therefore, the focus of this chapter will cover a
gerontech-specific skill is currently offered in Hong Kong. 55
spectrum of measures to promote gerontech education and
talent development in Hong Kong.
This chapter consists of three sub-sections:
• Section 5.1 will focus on how to provide vocational training
to gain gerontech-specific skills.
• Section 5.2 will focus on how to provide entrepreneurial
support and training in universities to drive innovation for
social impact.
• Section 5.3 will focus on how to increase general awareness
and education of gerontech among the younger population.
Some examples of non-official training for gerontech-specific skills exist in Hong Kong. For example, the Jockey Club “age at home” Gerontech Education and Rental Service provides
a Care Equipment Counsellor (CECs) Training Programme for gerontech-specific skills for their education, rental, cleaning and maintenance services at the Gerontech Education and
Rental Service Centre (Jockey Club Service Overview, 2021).