Page 81 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 81

Recommendation 5.1: Train                             as assist the elderly in using the CCSV to select an advanced     5
                                                                         gerontech product under the Tier II category. More importantly,
                   gerontech consultants to assist
                                                                         the case management can be more focused during the initial
                   the elderly                                           stages of assignment, for example, during the post-discharge
                                                                         stage to strengthen support for the elderly.
               The first question is who can assist end-users in the process
               of acquiring or renting a gerontech product. We recommend   The next question is how to provide formal professional
               training up gerontech consultants as the primary contact   training for individuals to acquire gerontech-specific skills.    Education & Talent Development
               point to assist the elderly and PwD in procuring or renting   At present, various organisations provide vocational training and
               gerontech products. In line with Recommendation 2.2, we   certification for various posts in the social welfare sector under
               recommend that any person who wants to use a voucher to   the Qualifications Framework (QF).  We therefore recommend
               procure gerontech products should be able to connect with   the Social Welfare Department to introduce a new vocational
               gerontech consultants to enquire about any product-related   qualifications pathway under the QF to certify and register
               questions. Should the need arise, the consultant can also handle   gerontech consultants in Hong Kong. The SWD already
               any maintenance-related enquires.                         provides a structured pathway for young talent interested in
                                                                         developing their career in the elderly and rehabilitation care
               As mentioned previously, referencing Japan, the Association for   services in the form of the Navigation Scheme for Young
               Technical Aids (ATA) trains “assistive device planners” who play   Persons in Care Services (Navigation Scheme) (SWD, 2021,
               the role of case managers for the elderly in acquiring gerontech   August 16).  Building on top of this, we recommend the Social
               under the Welfare Equipment Rental Program (Techno-aids,   Welfare Department to expand and scale up the Navigation
               2014; ILC-Japan, 2018). Hong Kong can follow suit and     Scheme to train and certify gerontech consultants.
               consider adopting a case management model to streamline the
               process for end-users with higher health needs.           5.2 Entrepreneurial support and training
                                                                         Having talked about how to scale up gerontech-specific care
               We therefore further recommend assigning gerontech consultants
                                                                         professionals, this section will turn to discuss how to increase
               as case managers to the elderly that are eligible for CCSV.  The
                                                                         the amount of gerontech product developers and start-up
               consultants can help manage the process of OT referral, as well
               56  As of 2019, the ATA has trained over 15,000 assistive device planners as part of their 100-hour training program (Techno-aids, 2014).
                 Applicable to elderly person assessed to have moderate or severe impairment under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services (SWD Standardised
                Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, 2021).
               58  Training and certificate under the QF are offered for health worker, caregiver, and residential staff posts by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology (HKAG), Hong Kong Red Cross
                (HKRC), Employees Retraining Board (ERB) (HKAG, 2021; HKRC, 2017; ERB, 2016).
               59  In 2015, the SWD launched the Navigation Scheme. Starting from 2020/21, it will provide a total of 1,200 additional training places within 5 years. At the end of the two-year training
                period, trainees are registered as Health Workers and receive a QF of either Level 3 or 4 (SWD, 2021, August 16).
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