Page 76 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 76

Recommendation 4: Apply the                           September 2020 on a project that helps non-Chinese speaking
                                                                         kindergarten students improve their Chinese proficiency (SIE
                   Pay-for-Success (PFS) model
                                                                         Fund Piloting Pay-for-Success, 2021).
                   to gerontech
                                                                         PFS is a model particularly suitable for testing innovative and
               PFS is an innovative financing model for social services, which   preventive services, which greatly suits the nature of gerontech
               we introduced in our report Financial Innovation for Social   products and services.  In Hong Kong, there is also a great need
               Impacts: An advocacy report on Pay-for-Success, as illustrated   to move beyond thinking about gerontech at an individual product
               in Figure 20 (OHKF, 2017, November). In short, private investors   level towards considering the possibilities that gerontech provides
               fund a social project under the agreement that—only if the service   in terms of innovative service delivery models. We therefore
               provider meets pre-determined outcome-based Key Performance   recommend using PFS as an innovative way to bring together
               Indicators (KPIs) measured through social impact assessments—  public and private financiers within the gerontech industry.
               will the Government then repay the private investor with interest.
               The main benefit of PFS for the Government is risk-sharing.
               Because investors carry the initial risk, there is more possibility
               to fund innovative or preventive programmes that are not yet
               covered by the Government (OHKF, 2017, November). In Hong
               Kong, SIE Fund commissioned the city’s first PFS project in

               54  One of the most important aspects of PFS is for contractual parties to agree on clearly identifiable and measurable social outcomes. The gerontech industry is itself still determining
                what types of social outcomes are clearly identifiable and measurable. They are also developing testing mechanisms to evaluate these outcomes, for example via the GT Platform’s
                Testing Support initiative. Indeed, there is already some exploration of using PFS in relation to gerontech. For example, in Israel, a combined online-offline service delivery model will
                seek to alleviate the loneliness of 200 elders in Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv Foundation, 2021).

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