Page 87 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 87

5.3 General awareness and education                       competitions. In 2017, the HKCSS and EMSD co-organised the        5
                                                                         Gerontech Youth Challenge, an annual competition to encourage
                   on gerontech
                                                                         youth to design innovative products for older persons (HKCSS,
               As previously noted, our survey results found that people’s   2019). We recommend the continuation of youth competitions
               awareness of gerontech has seen the most significant      like the Gerontech Youth Challenge on an annual basis. Also,
               improvement, receiving the highest score from our respondents   to transform students’ innovative ideas into reality, we recommend
               (score 1.08). This comes as no surprise with widespread gerontech   that youth competitions incorporate a follow-up prototype
               initiatives surfacing in recent years. However, despite efforts to   stage to commercialise innovative designs.              Education & Talent Development
               raise awareness, there is a lack of initiatives tailored towards
               younger people.  Increasing general awareness and education   At the tertiary level, students should be offered courses on
               of gerontech among our younger population is important since   gerontech-related content. At present, only a few courses are
               many young people have some form of relationship to the elderly,   offered by PolyU and LingnanU (PolyU, 2020; LingnanU Bachelor
               whether through familial ties, as informal caregivers, or even as   of Social Sciences (Honours), 2021; LingnanU Master of Social
               potential talent that may want to work in the gerontech industry.   Sciences in Health and Social Service Management, 2021).
               This section therefore hopes to bridge the intergenerational gap   Apart from the two universities, most higher institutions do not
               in awareness through targeted efforts.                    offer gerontech-related content. This is especially concerning as
                                                                         students interested in solving elderly problems with technology
                                                                         may be disincentivised to pursue gerontech as an official field
                   Recommendation 5.3: Promote a                         of study. For example, tertiary students under the Vocational
                   gerontech educational curriculum                      Training Council (VTC) Group successfully developed gerontech
                                                                         products at the HKHS’s Gerontech Competition this year (HKHS,
                   and related competitions                              2021).  Despite this, no gerontech courses are being offered
                                                                         to students in applied education. We therefore recommend
               To initiate this, different educational methods can be employed   that tertiary courses covering gerontech-related content
               at various stages of learning. For example, at the primary and   be expanded across all universities and applied education
               secondary levels, students’ interest can be sparked through school   institutes in Hong Kong.

               69  For example, the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University offers a course on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (PolyU, 2020). At the
                Lingnan University, Master of Social Sciences in Health and Social Service Management students are offered gerontech-related content in a course on Modern Technology in Health
                and Social Services course (LingnanU Master of Social Sciences in Health and Social Service Management, 2021).
                 The HKHS organised the Gerontech Competition to support science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and gerontechnology in the community. More than
                750 students from nearly 150 teams participated (HKHS Press Release, 2021).
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