Page 91 - OHKF_Gerontech_report_en
P. 91
“Don’t know”
Gaps Significantly Slightly No change Slightly Significantly or Final score
worsened worsened improved improved “no opinion”
(2) Applied research stage
6 The Hong Kong society lacks the R&D
personnel in gerontech. STEM programmes
1 9 14 1 0 7
failed to attract the highest caliber of students. 0.09
(2.5%) (22.5%) (35%) (2.5%) (0%) (17.5%)
Furthermore, STEM programme graduates rarely
opt for a career in innovation and technology.
7 The University Grant Committee assessment
criteria neglects the impact of knowledge
3 6 6 3 2 9
transfer, causing academics to focus on -0.06
(7.5%) (15%) (15%) (7.5%) (5%) (22.5%)
academic publications. This negatively impacts
the commercialisation of gerontech.
(3) Prototype stage
8 The time required for universities to license
0 4 15 7 2 12
intellectual property for spin-offs is too long, 0.25
(0%) (10%) (37.5%) (17.5%) (5%) (30%)
hindering the technology transfer of gerontech.
9 Gerontech start-ups encounter funding gaps
throughout the latter stages of prototyping
and product enhancement. They also lack 0 6 11 15 1 7 0.33
government support, channels to obtain (0%) (15%) (27.5%) (37.5%) (2.5%) (17.5%)
guidance, and opportunities to network with
other firms.