Page 2 - Arts Innovation Report_2022_May11_Summary
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更是近年來文創產業發展的主要驅動力,對2019年文 recent years, to be the “software, computer games and interactive
media” sector, contributing the largest portion to both CCI’s total
value-added and total employment in 2019, at 44% and 27%
分別為 44% 和 27%(政府統計處,2021)。
respectively (Census and Statistics Department, 2021).
值得留意的是,自 2020 年香港特別行政區政府
Notably, this is the sector that drives developments in the field of Arts
Technology (Arts Tech)—a new area of policy rolled out by the
科技便成為文創產業的發展重點之一,並以「提升香 Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the
港在國際藝壇的地位,促進文化交流,鞏固香港國際 Government) in 2020, and has since become a key direction for the
文化大都會的地位」為目標,推動藝術與科技融合 CCI, aimed at promoting impactful convergences between the arts
(民政事務局,2022)。可見,文創產業的數碼轉型 and technology sectors to “enhance Hong Kong’s standing in the
正如火如荼地進行。 international arts arena, facilitate cultural exchange and strengthen
[its] role as an international cultural metropolis” (Home Affairs
同年,香港亦首次成為僅次於紐約的全球第二大藝術 Bureau, 2022). Clearly, the digital transformation of the cultural and
creative sectors is in full swing.
It is also worth mentioning, that same year was also the first time
售(McAndrew,2021)。 Hong Kong became the second largest art trading centre in the world—
after New York (ArtTactic, 2020), and the first time the share of
eCommerce (online sales) in the Hong Kong art market exceeded that
of general retail (McAndrew, 2021).