Page 10 - Arts Innovation Report_2022_May11_Summary
P. 10


                文化 IP 交易平台                                  Cultural IP Trading Infrastructure

                                                            The term “cultural IP” is used to broadly cover wide-ranging
               「文化 IP」一詞泛指多元的非物質文化及文創產
                                                            intangible cultural and creative goods that could be protected
                                                            under copyright and other forms of IP law, such as publications,
                例如出版、電影、遊戲、視頻、音樂、漫畫、                        films, videos, music, comics, character designs, etc. A competitive
                角色設計等。一個具有競爭力的創意經濟體                         creative economy is underpinned by IP and its contribution to
                                                            economic and cultural development. This is becoming more
                                                            apparent as the CCI becomes increasingly interwoven with the
                                                            digital sphere, which propels us to think about how the IP regime
                這促使我們思考,知識產權制度如何能夠容納                        can accommodate more innovative technologies, as well as
                更多創新技術、鼓勵更多交易。                              encourage more lucrative trading across and beyond the CCI.
                                                            In Hong Kong, we have not been able to fully leverage the
                                                            economic potentials of cultural IP the same way economies such
                IP 的經濟潛力。知識產權,包括版權、商標、
                                                            as South Korea and Taiwan have. IP rights including copyright,
                專利和外觀設計等都是創意的貿易載體。要知                        trademark, patent, and design are all vehicles of trade for
                道,版權構成了文創產業中大部分經濟活動,                        creativity. It must be noted that copyright constitutes the basis
                                                            for most economic activities in the CCI and that the average
                                      2                     contribution of copyright industries to GDP is 5.54% worldwide
                5.54%(WIPO,2021)。 若開 發得當,香 港                           2
                                                            (WIPO, 2021).  IP rights including copyright, trademark, patent,
                的版權制度是有龐大的發展空間,專門推動文                        and design are all vehicles of trade for creativity. If harnessed
                創產業發展,特別是在文化 IP 交易方面,促進                     properly, Hong Kong’s copyright regime has a lot of room for
                                                            development as a standalone portfolio for the CCI, especially in
                                                            the realm of cultural IP trading—and an online one at that.

                2  根據世界知識產權組織(2021),南韓的版權產業對國內生產總值的貢獻為9.89%,中國內地則為7.35%。雖然沒有香港的相關數據,但若與我們最相近的數據相比,文創產業對本地生產總
                   According to WIPO (2021), South Korea's copyright-based industries account for 9.89% of GDP, while mainland China's account for 7.35%. Although no figures are available for Hong Kong, but our most
                  comparable figure—cultural and creative industries’ contribution to GDP, which is 4.7% of GDP—is still lower than the global average.

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