Page 9 - Arts Innovation Report_2022_May11_Summary
P. 9
文化數據與「文化 IP」的數碼建設
3. Opportunities in Building Digital Infrastructures for Cultural Data & IP
文化數據建設 Cultural data infrastructure
Big data and IP are hot topics in the global discourse, featuring
prominently in cultural policies around the world: Governments
are making plans to build cultural data repositories for data
collection and analyses, to help public and private sectors make
從而輔助公共和私營機構作出科學決策。香港 better informed decisions. In Hong Kong, we have long suffered
長期以來缺乏一個完善的數據系統,零碎的數 from the lack of a comprehensive data system. The current one
據就只能停留於表面,而未能將數據化為洞 is scattered and disintegrated, which has been a longstanding
hindrance to CCI development.
Whether this is through expanding the scope and functionalities
of Data.Gov.HK, or developing a new separate infrastructure, we
recommend the Government build a cultural data infrastructure
建立一個貼近時代步伐的文化數據系統,整合 that is fit for the era, thus making available a comprehensive
與文創產業相關的數據並加以分析,為公共和 collection of CCI-related data to better inform decision-makers
私營機構決策提供精闢見解。該文化數據建設 in public policymaking and private industries. This can also be
opened to the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao markets for a
bigger and fuller cultural data bank.
We recommend the cultural data infrastructure bear these
我們建議該建設應具備以下八個特點:i) 利用人
eight features: i) utilise new technologies such as artificial
工智能、區塊鏈等新興科技;ii) 促進傳統和新 intelligence and blockchain; ii) facilitate private-public data
興文化內容的公私營數據共享;iii) 為數據收 sharing across traditional and new cultural content; iii) define
集、處理、分發和存取訂立範圍;iv) 協助針對 scope for data collection, processing, distribution and access;
iv) assist decision making in public and private sectors; v) make
文創產業的政策制定和行內決策;v) 公開資訊
publicly available; vi) integrate with the cultural IP trading
予公眾使用 ;vi) 與文化 IP 交易平台結合(詳見
infrastructure (see Recommendation 3.2); vii) establish an
建議 3.2);vii) 建立認證機制;以及 viii) 符合監
authentication mechanism; and viii) comply with regulatory
管機制 。 measures.